Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dr. Vino Goes LA

As many of you know, I live in the LA area and regularly post reviews of wine stores and tasting bars. There are new options opening all the time, and it's helpful to get the suggestions of other wine lovers before you schlep over on 5 different freeways only to discover that the shop you are trying out only has Napa cult cabs. Dr. Vino has just posted an interactive map of LA area wine stores for your shopping pleasure and driving ease. It's got great range from the west side all the way over to Pasadena and beyond. All my favorites were on it (I'm guessing yours are, too) and some new shops that I'm looking forward to checking out. Dr. Vino is based in NYC, and his LA map is the latest addition to maps for wine lovers covering NYC wine shops, NYC Wine Bars, Chicago wine shops, and Chicago BYOB restaurants. Dr. Vino is also one of the web's best wine bloggers, so if you haven't done so already, swing by his site and take a look.


  1. Thanks for your kind words! Glad it's helpful!

  2. Thank you for coming to LA and giving such good coverage of our diverse area. Your comment function was down yesterday, so I'm glad you found me!
