Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Best Gift of All: the Menu for Hope III

The Menu for Hope is a charity event sponsored by wine and food bloggers that selects a worthy cause every year to receive 100% of the proceeds from a virtual raffle on the internet. As of this posting, generous bloggers and readers have already donated over $40,000.00 to the cause, and there is still one day left to make a contribution. All over the web food and wine bloggers have donated fabulous prizes that are waiting for YOU. What do you need to do? Simply buy a raffle ticket for $10, pick the prize drawing you'd like to enter, and wait until January 15, 2oo7 when the winners will be announced. Can't decide between all these fabulous prizes on offer? Buy several raffle tickets, and try your chances on all your favorites. And if you really, really want one prize? Then buy lots of tickets, and devote them all to getting your heart's desire.

All the proceeds from a Menu for Hope III will go this year to the UN World Food Programme. What better fund to benefit from contributions from food and wine bloggers and readers.

Here's some more detailed information copied from Alder Yarrow's Vinography (Alder is in charge of the wine blog prizes):

The campaign is essentially a big raffle for prizes. You look through the prizes, figure out which one(s) you want to try to win, and then you buy "virtual raffle tickets" -- one for each $10 of donation you make to our cause on the special web site set up for that purpose.

When you make your donation, you simply specify the prize number(s) (each prize should have one) and the "number of tickets" your donation is buying. Donate thirty bucks, get three tickets, and use them for one prize, or for three. Just be specific in your request.

Here's the site to enter / donate.

Looking for the list of prizes? Check out Alder's full list or prizes, and his list of updates donated by wine bloggers. Want to have dinner with Eric Asimov, wine critic for the New York Times? How about having Alder Yarrow serve as your sommelier for the night at a dinner party you host--and he'll even supply the wine? How about one of Jerry Hall's fabulous wine bottle photos, blown up into poster size to hang over your wine rack? All these great prizes and more could be yours for just $10 a ticket.

It's the season for giving, and for remembering those less fortunate than ourselves. Click over and contribute to this worthy, worthy cause.

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