Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Last Day for American Wine Blog Award Nominations

It's been days and Blogger won't let me fiddle with my sidebar to post a reminder for the American Wine Blog Awards. Over 500 nominations for awards in seven categories have been made, and there's still time for you to nominate your faves if you haven't already. Just click on the logo and be swept away to the nomination area (very simple--you leave a comment) on Tom Wark's blog, Fermentation.

Nominations close on January 18, so click over now and participate in this first-ever award solely for wine bloggers.


  1. I've been meaning to thank you for mentioning Brim in your comment about the Wine Blog Awards on Fermentation. I'm honored you think so highly of my humble endeavor.

  2. Hey, John. I think that was El Jefe--though I share his sentiments, of course. I counted up your posts and it was under 52, so I figured I'd nominate you NEXT year!
