Saturday, January 13, 2007

Toasting the Blogosphere

I know that a lot of new readers are seeing this post. You are clicking over here for one of two reasons: because my generous fellow blogger, JohnG at quaffability, put a link to my blog in his comment on Eric Asimov's The Pour; or because you got a lovely email from SNAP previews (those enticing balloons that open up and give you a preview of what my hotlinks contain) singling out Good Wine Under $20 and 9 other blogs for special mention among the 100 Most Interesting Blogs that use SNAP.

Since I started blogging in October over 9000 of you have dropped by my little corner of the blogosphere. Hundreds of you actually subscribe to my feed. And I have been touched again and again by the generosity of my fellow bloggers and readers.

Thanks to all of you, I feel that I am part of an expanding world of expertise and enthusiasm for wine that takes my breath away. Whether it's my "blogging twin" Neil (the Brooklynguy who started around the same time as I did and his love of Burgundy), or Tom Wark at Fermentation (who mentioned my blog one day when I was starting out), or the Big 3 (Alder, Beau, and Tim) who show us all what the blogging world is capable of every day, or Joel over at Vivi's Wine Journal (who posted about SNAP and started up a little social networking tool that I happen to love called Wine Life Today), or Sonadora (that refreshingly honest and enthusiastic Wannabe Wino in search of education or inspiration), or winemakers like El Jefe at Twisted Oak and Elsbeth at Escafeld (who actually make the stuff I love to drink and write about), or John at Brim to the Dregs (who brings his wry Southern passion to every post), or Jerry at Winewaves (who can just bring me up short with his wonderful photos and reviews), I learn so much and enjoy wine so much more thanks to all your efforts. Just take a look at my sidebar for all the blogs I read regularly.

Remember the old days, when you used to sit down with your copy of a wine magazine and wish you had somebody to talk to about wine? Take a look at us now! Some say Wine 2.0 is coming. I think it's already here.

So if you're new to the world of wine blogs, don't stop here. Click over to another site and check it out, too, using some of the links. And if you're a blogger, remember to pay it forward. By responding to your fellow bloggers and their posts, and promoting their good stories, you make the blogosphere a better place for us all. (vintage image available from the Charles Michael Gallery)


  1. Well said, Doc. I totally agree with you and have been trying to do my best to highlight the best wine bloggers and community sites. I hope that more wine lovers will discover the diverse community of wine bloggers this year.


  2. Thanks, Tim! You, Tim, Alder, and Tom set the bar nice and high for the rest of us, but as more of us get involved I think that wine blogs are where folks are getting their information on wine. And what I love best is that smaller wineries and more unusual varietals are getting attention.

  3. Great post dr. debs! It's fascinating to watch the growth of the wine blogging community. As a forum, blogging is especially great for smaller producers who might fall below the radar of the mainstream media.

  4. Great post Debs. I couldn't agree with you more. Been blogging for over two years as a way to meet folks in a non-snobbish, non-competitive way. Can't tell you how many great people I've met from all over the world.

    Wine Life Today was just my way of trying to spur even more interaction with this huge community. I think there were 20-30 wine blogs when I started and now I saw a number around 500! Its just really great and its been great getting to "virtually" know you!


  5. Hey there Elsbeth and Joel. Makes you think we will one day have to have a wine bloggers convention--maybe a hike with Winhiker?

  6. *Now* you're talking, Doc! Perhaps we can meet centrally - at a trailhead on the SF peninsula - then let Farley at Thomas Fogarty pour for us.

    That is, if I won't already see all of you at the ZAP Festival; I'm thinking brunch at the Fog City Diner to start off the day. Who's in?

  7. Winehiker, that sounds fantastic. I am working out on my treadmill and swimming to get my endurance up. I am seriously going to come and go hiking with you this summer when I'm in Sonoma for a few months. Until then, Fog City has to survive without me (sigh). I think a wine blogger summer hike sounds like JUST the thing.

  8. Ryan from contacted me about ZAP. I'm going to try to make it up there. Not sure what the deal is for that day.

    Like I told Ryan, I have a 1-year old so every weekend plan I make is "tentative" ;^)...But I think he's drummed up several people to meet up there.

    Who's going?

  9. I will definitely pour wine for you guys...anytime... but I want to go hiking, too!

  10. Thanks for the kind words Dr. Debs!

    Now, I could definetly be up for a wine blogger convention....though not sure I could convince the husband....

  11. This sounds like fun--wine hiking, wine tasting, summer in San Fran. Farley, can you hike and then pour??

  12. I don't see why not....
