Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Wine Blogging Wednesday #30 Announced

Join host Tim Elliott from Winecast for the next edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday on February 7, 2007. On that day, bloggers throughout the world will be sampling New World Shiraz/Syrah and writing up their reviews.

I've developed something of a serious Syrah addiction over the past few months as I find that the prices are very reasonable, the quality is high, the taste is delicious, and they are easy to pair with a wide variety of foods. Just a few days ago I posted a review of a Chilean Syrah (and a great mac and cheese recipe from John at Brim to the Dregs, in case you missed it!), so I'll have to hit the cellar and stores again to find another likely contender.

Full details, with Tim's guidelines and instructions for how to get your information to him before the roundup, can be reached by clicking on the highlighted text. Don't have a blog? No problem, you can just email Tim your tasting note and he'll post them in the roundup. After a few months of intriguing and challenging WBWs, it's a nice to have a change of pace and return to a simple varietal assignment. See you all back here on February 7, if not before.


  1. Looking forward to your entry, Doc! Thanks for letting your readers know about it.

    Tim Elliott

  2. Believe it or not I do not have a single syrah in the house--they're all up north in a windowseat! Rats, I have to go shopping ... (can you hear the insincerity of that last statement??)

  3. Thanks for the heads up. I'm such a procrastinator--this quickly approaching deadline will hopefully light a fire. I do have quite a few Syrahs but want to get out of my CA zone, so I will have to go shopping, too. Oh, rats!

  4. Farley, I was so distressed (!) I spent last night "pre-shopping" online at my favorite stores. I think its a sickness, isn't it?? Oh, rats.

  5. I too need to go to the shop today I believe for a WBW bottle. Also need to find a nice savory meat recipe to go with it, I'm thinking a roast or stew.
