Sunday, March 25, 2007

WBW #32: To Reserve or Not to Reserve?

The Wine Cask Blog has set another challenging theme for the 32nd edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday, the online virtual tasting event founded by LennThompson of Lenndevours.

Here are some of the details, but do check out their full instructions here, including submission details. By Sunday, April 8, drink a regular and a reserve version of the same wine, made by the same maker. Is the reserve the better wine? Does it warrant the higher price? An interesting question, and one that I hope to solve without breaking the bank if at all possible! Seriously, the folks at Wine Cask are into affordable wines, so they are urging participants to team up to fulfill the assignment or look for more inexpensive bottlings.

You've only got two weeks from tonight to find and taste your wines if you want to participate so get cracking. The Wine Cask folks anticipate posting their roundup on April 11--just in time to spend your anticipated refund on some of the recommended wines.


  1. Thanks for the heads up! You beat me to it this time, I'm not so intense on my reading on Sundays nights as I am during the week! We'll be with the inlaws in LA then, not sure how I'm going to play this time.

  2. No problem. I hardly ever beat you to the punch on WBW! I think I'm going to have to sit this one out because all the wines I have in reserve I don't have in normal bottlings and the normal bottlings are no longer available. Not enough lead time around the holidays, and the change of submissions to a Sunday rather than a Wednesday also screws up the calendar. We're leaving LA on April 3 so won't get a chance to meet while you are here--but hopefully you can do a fieldtrip to Chronicle Wine in Pasadena and see the serious bargains.

  3. I will definitely try to check it out. We will be in town for nearly a week, so I can't imagine that I wouldn't have at least one spare moment. Though my mother-in-law wants us to go see tulips or something at the Descanso Gardens and some exhibit at the old Getty...

  4. Oh, the Getty exhibit (Icons of Sinai) is amazing. And Descansco is beautiful right now, as is the Huntington Gardens. Spring has definitely sprung!
