Tuesday, April 03, 2007

So How Bad IS Hwy. 1 in Sonoma County?

It's this bad.

Wish me luck as I transport 3 humans, 2 dogs, several cases of wine, and all kinds of other paraphernalia related to a two week vacation over the Tejon pass, up the valley, through the Bay Area, over the Richmond Bridge, across Pepper Road, through Valley Ford, past Tomales, and out to scenic Highway 1 for the last hour or so of the drive to our redwood hideaway. Timing depends on local road conditions including but not limited to: cow grazing patterns across Hwy. 1, number of Winnebagos on road, fog, folks who don't understand the meaning or use of "turn-out," how good the surf is and therefore how many surfers are parked between Jenner and Bodega, landslides, downed trees, and road construction. (hair-raising aerial photo taken by Scott Wilson of West of One).

I'll be back Thursday after Good Wine Under $20 lands temporarily on the wild and woolly reaches of Sonoma County's north coast.


  1. Have a great trip! Drive carefully!

  2. Ditto on Sonadora's comment. And thanks for the wonderful suggestions and receipe. Your site is very helpful for me. Again, enjoy your trip, sounds lovely to me!

  3. Have a good trip Debs! The weather should be perfect (sunny and clear), so hopefully the fog and other craziness won't be an issue.

  4. Thanks everybody. We arrived safely and TrevR was right--the weather is unbelievably beautiful.
