Thursday, April 19, 2007

WBW #33: Wines from the Languedoc

After sadly missing out on last month's Wine Blogging Wednesday due to logistical and timing difficulties, I will be happy to get back on track in May with WBW #33, hosted by Marcus of Doktor Weingolb.

The topic is spot-on for GWU$20 readers, namely to investigate the claim that wines from Languedoc-Roussillon that are priced between $15 and $30 represent exceptional value. Check out the full brief by clicking here, and if you are at all confused when reading French labels also stop by Marcus's helpful list of Languedoc-Roussillon appellations and producers.

Entries are due in on Wednesday, May 16. So you have a full month to find a wine and drink along with the rest of us in this virtual tasting event. You don't need a blog to participate, as Marcus will be taking tasting notes in the comments section of his blog on the day. As usual, I don't have a wine that exactly fits the criteria--at least not one I've not blogged about. My only contender in the cellar is the 2003 Coupe Roses Minervois and I already gave a rave review to that a few months ago. If that wine was any indication of what to expect, we're in for a great time. So I'm off to the wine store to look for some (more) good vino.


  1. Dr. Deb: I couldn't have said this better myself.

    In fact, I didn't! Thanks for post!

  2. I think I would enjoy joining in on this WBW. French wines are wonderful and I was lucky enough to visit France twice during the early 90's. Anyhow, I will be in Cincinnati at this time, so that gives me even more excuses to spend hours in the wine shops up north!

  3. Thanks, Marcus! I thought you said it pretty well yourself!

    Winedeb, that Minervois that I mentioned in my post is--drum roll-- available in Florida at the International Wine Cellar in Tampa ( I know you'll be in Cincinnati, and that the travel to and from the island is tricky, but just so you know! Have fun on your trip!
