Friday, May 11, 2007

101 Things to Do With Leftover Corks

Crafty bloggers like Sonadora at Wannabe Wino and Catie from Through the Walla Walla Grape Vine have shared with readers their strategies for dealing with leftover corks. From the practical (trivets) to the whimsical (placecard holders), these creative ideas promised to take some of the corks rolling around your drawers and put them to some good use.

But would you use them to cover your car?

This woman did.

And there's more, as the blog Terramia, dedicated to design, shows us. You can make couches from them, plant-stands, coasters (using old cds), cover old outdoor tables with them, and use them in scores of other objects that go way past practical and whimsical and head towards the sublime and the ridiculous.

Where would we be without BoingBoing on a Friday? Not contemplating sipping a sangiovese while sitting on this armchair, that's for sure.


Marshall Æon said...

Wow, I need to get myself a chair like that!

Dr. Debs said...

Hey, Marshall. Good for the corporate office decor, eh? And imagine how much fun you'd have making it!

Anonymous said...

I covered a terra cotta planter with corks (just the rim) but didn't take a picture of it. Since I gave it as a present, guess I'll have to make another.