Tuesday, May 22, 2007

WBW #34: Washington Cabernet Sauvignon

More headlines from the world of Wine Blogging Wednesday: Catie at Through the Walla Walla Grape Vine will be our host for the 34th edition of this online tasting event.

Her brief is simple: Washington State Cabernet Sauvignon. Drink some by June 13, and then let Catie know on that Wednesday what the link is to your site so that she can post details in the roundup. If you've never done a Wine Blogging Wednesday before, this is your chance. I defy you to walk into any supermarket or liquor store and NOT find a bottle of Chateau Ste. Michelle or Columbia Crest cabernet. Of course, Catie would like us to try to find something different if we are up to the challenge. But if you're not, either of these bottlings will do!

See you back here on June 13!

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