Monday, July 16, 2007

WBW #35 Wrap-Up: More than 50 Spanish Wine Reviews

Michelle and Kevin, our hosts for Wine Blogging Wednesday #35, have posted the roundup of notes and reviews over on their site, My Wine Education.

Be sure to click over there for links to more than 50 tasting notes on budget-friendly Spanish wines. 41 bloggers participated, including 7 or 8 new ones, and many bloggers tasted more than one wine, so there's no excuse not to try a Spanish wine if you haven't already. And Michelle and Kevin broke the list down into whites and reds (along with a few "all mixed up" reviews to cover the folks who had more than one kind of wine).

Enjoy, and I'll be sure to let you know when WBW #36 (Happy 3rd Birthday, Wine Blogging Wednesday!) is announced.

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