Sunday, October 07, 2007

Good Wine Under $20's First Year

Today, at 1:49 pm, Good Wine Under $20 officially marks an important milestone in a blog's life: the first year anniversary. (image from

Last year, I needed to learn blogging software and decided to write up some wine shopping experiences. 365 days, over 63K visitors, and 450+ daily subscribers later, I'm amazed that the blog continues to grow and change.

I would like to specifically thank Neil the Brooklynguy, who left the first ever comment on the blog (responding to a tasting note for a 2005 beaujolais, of course!); Tom Wark, who was the first "big blogger" to notice and promote the blog leading to a significant spike in circulation and a lot of new perspectives in the comments section; Tyler Colman, the best of the best in wine blogs, who also noticed the blog and mentioned it in print; Andrew Barrow, who selected it for inclusion on his expert's list at BlogBridge; the other ladies who regularly write about wine in the blogosphere (Amy, Catie, the other Deb, Elsbeth, Farley, Gabriella, Jill, Sonadora, Mary, and now the Wine Scamp) who are a constant source of inspiration and also provide much-needed reality checks when the blogosphere gets a little weird; and my Twitter friends who bring much humor and diversion to each and every day.

I would also like to thank the many winemakers and vineyard owners who have invited me to their wineries, given me tours and information, kept me up-to-date with press releases, and sent me sample wines. The fact that you recognize and appreciate the work that bloggers are doing to bring wine information to a larger audience is wonderful and keeps me working hard here at GWU$20 to warrant your interest in the blogosphere.

Most of all, though, I'd like to thank anyone reading this for simply reading this! Blogging has become a fantastic addition to my life and the reason why is YOU. Thanks for trusting me to tell you what I think about the wine I'm drinking, the books and articles I'm reading, and the people that I meet along the way. Here's to a second great year.


  1. Dr. Debs,
    Congrats on the milestone. Looking forward to many more of your fine writings.

  2. Congrats! A year is quite an accomplishment and I hope we can make it there with as much success as you have.

  3. Happy Anniversary! Here's to many years more of great reading!

  4. Congrats on the milestone Dr. Debs! You are an inspiration...

  5. Keep up the good work! I year is a big milestone. Looking forward to future wines tasted! You definitely have an open invitation to come taste here! Best, Amy

  6. It's no wonder your blog is doing so well. You have great writing, great variety and attractive graphics. Thanks for creating and maintaining your blog. It is one of my first reads of the day!

  7. Congratulations! I was frankly shocked to read that it's ONLY one year. Your blog offers so much depth, great writing, and, most important to me, excellent tasting notes on wine "finds" that have led me to a number of current "go to" wines. Keep up the good work, Doc.

  8. Congrats on your first year Dr. Debs, keep up the excellent work!

  9. I'll chime in and add another congrats to the mix. Cheers to more good times and good wines.

  10. Whew, one whole year! That is fantastic! Keep up the good informative, fun work you do Dr. Debs!

  11. Kudos, Dr. Debs. It's amazing how important blogging becomes to your life once you do it; I can't imagine NOT doing it nor can I imagine you not being a part of the wine blogosphere.

    All the best,


  12. Congrats on a year well written.
    Time flies when you enjoy good wine.

  13. You've done all this in one year? Wow! Well done and congrats!

  14. Much congratulations on all your of work this past year! Keep up the excellence and passion.

  15. Huge congrats! I look forward to many more posts. And I do enjoy the Tweets as well. Good times. Good wines. Well done.

  16. Thanks, everybody, for your good wishes and continued support. One day we will all have to meet off-line and drink some wine together! Maybe at La Gramiere or Twisted Oak, if they need help with harvest!
