Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wine Blogging Wednesday Upddates

I've got two news items from the Wine Blogging Wednesday front to report today.

The first is that our hosts from this month's WBW #38 on Portuguese Table Wines, Ryan and Gabriella of Catavino, have posted a marvelous round-up of all the submissions they received. It includes a map so you can orient yourself among the Portuguese wine regions, and regional lists of the wines that were tasted with links to the reviews themselves. 34 bloggers and 2 non-bloggers provided us with 62 tasting notes, so it is a terrific resource if you want to find out more about Portuguese wines.

After cruising the excellent reviews posted by fellow bloggers--and non bloggers--I think the overwhelming response was one of surprise at the quality of the wine given the price. I also think that most of us made appeals to distributors to make it easier to find Portuguese wines in our local stores, given how hard it could be to find one of these bottlings. So thanks once again to Ryan and Gabriella for hosting such a great event.

Now that WBW #38 has been wrapped up, it's time to start preparing for WBW #39. Next month's event will be hosted by Neil, the Brooklynguy who loves wine. The theme is "Silver Coast" Burgundies, which tend to be a little less pricey than their Cote d'Or neighbors but are wonderful wines to drink and get to know Burgundy a bit better. Neil provides lots of information about how to identify wines from the Maconnais and the Cote Chalonnaise on his website, and asks you to submit your tasting notes to him by Wednesday, November 14.

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