Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Recognizing Community: What I'm Thankful For

Over the weekend I discovered that Wine Scamp had given me the nod for a Community Blogger award, along with Jill from Domaine 547 (who started Women's Wine Blogging Day), Tom Wark (from Fermentation) and Lenn Thompson (from Lenndevours who started Wine Blogging Wednesday). I haven't started anything but this blog, but I really appreciated the mention in such great company!

The Community Blogger Award was started by CelloBella at redsultana to recognize a blogger who "reaches out and makes the blogger community a better one." It's a great idea, so use these links to spread some love at Thanksgiving and give thanks to those people in the blogosphere who are making it a better place.

I would like to pass on some of the season's appreciation by not only adding my kudos to the folks above, but voicing my particular thanks to and bestowing Community Blogger Awards on Joel Vincent at Wine Life Today, who has given us a place to post stories of interest to the wine blogging community of readers and authors; and Jason Haas from the Tablas Creek Blog for making me feel like a virtual vintner with his well-written and informative news from the winery. Thanks to both of you for doing what you do!

Who are you thankful for in the blogging world? Give them a community blogger award and let them know.


  1. Awww, Debs. Thanks a million. I've been heads down in closing out my home improvement project, work, etc. and this is just made me smile.

    Thanks so much and I'll be continuing to work on WLT because its just one of those things thats really fun to work on so I'm glad its been useful for you!

  2. Joel pretty much stole my comment, but I'd like to add my thanks to you... it's fun to write about what we're doing when you know that people will be looking forward to reading it!

    The blogosphere is a cool place, and it's a pleasure to be at least an occasional resident.

