Sunday, January 27, 2008

Feeling Creative? Wine Blogging Wednesday Needs a New Logo

Lenn Thompson of Lenndevours, the creative juice behind Wine Blogging Wednesday, has decided that it's time for a new logo for the internet-wide tasting event.

He has announced a Wine Blogging Wednesday Logo Contest, which will run until March 31, 2008. At any point during that time, please submit your logo idea via email to Once the submissions are in, Lenn plans to post them to Flickr and let everybody vote for their fave.

Official prizes? None so far, but Lenn points out that you will win the love and respect of the WBW community--for what that's worth. Have prizes you want to bestow? Let Lenn know and something can be arranged!


  1. There is a prize, at least one so far! The Catavino-Pack of 3 Portuguese wines from d547. Yay!

  2. Excellent news. Prizes are always a good thing...
