Friday, January 18, 2008

A Perfect, Pink Dessert Wine: 2007 Innocent Bystander Pink Moscato

Dessert wines come in all shapes, sizes, colors, intensities, and prices. From thick, aromatic vintage ports to half-bottles of Sauternes with their honeyed sweetness, to fizzy moscatos, there's something for everybody. This year I'm going to make it a point to try some new dessert wines, because they are so often the perfect thing to top off a weeknight meal or a special dinner.

My first find for the year is the 2007 Innocent Bystander Muscat ($9.99/375ml, domaine547). What a great dessert wine, with its beautiful pink color and aromas of juicy peach and strawberry. You pop the crown cap on this little bottle, and everything about the experience is light, summery, refreshing, and fun. The flavors keep up this playful spirit, continuing with the peach and strawberry but adding some clementine to add some zing and freshness. This is a dessert wine that retains its crispness, and is not too sweet. For $9.99 this is a perfect wine to share with someone you love in the evening, or drink over several nights by yourself. I used a champagne stopper to seal in the bubbles and it remained pleasant to drink over the course of three evenings. Excellent QPR, with its great balance between sweetness and crispness and its fruity flavors.

You don't really need to eat anything with this wine, since it's going to satisfy all your post-dinner urges for something sweet and indulgent. But if you must, have it with a dark chocolate dessert, or with something very simple like madeleines, shortbread, or a bowl of berries.


  1. That bottle just looks fun!! I see that coming in handy on the beach on a nice hot summer day.

    Thanks for the post.


  2. Dr Debs,

    I'm very impressed that you managed to make your 375ml bottle last three nights! When ever I open mine, there is nothing left within minutes :)

  3. It's a fun bottle, for sure, and all too easy to mistake for lemonade! Edward, the bubbles lasted for three nights but I only drank it over two (the middle night I was out!), so I don't deserve QUITE that much credit. And I understand--this is an easy drinker and you could have it in one sitting (lowish alcohol, too).

  4. My roommate bought me a bottle of this when she saw it as I do prefer dessert wines. Prior to trying it, my favorite was Electra wine but this is even better! A wonderful label, too!
