Friday, February 15, 2008

WBW #42 Roundup of Italian Reds in Seven Words

Andy from Spittoon has posted the complete round-up of reviews from Wednesday's WBW #42--and it's only Friday!

Fifty-three wine bloggers from around the world accepted the challenge to drink an Italian red and describe it in just seven words. The entries were wonderfully creative, evocative, and fun. I highly recommend that you head over and read them all--they're all posted on Andy's site in their entirety--and then click over to find out the identity of the reds that the 7-word reviews describe. You'll find yourself chuckling at some of them, and then marveling at their accuracy and insightfulness. An entry from Baltimore's A Food and Wine Blog just may have been my favorite: "Closed for business--opens in three hours."

Thanks again to Andy for one of the most difficult and fun Wine Blogging Wednesdays ever. And remember: if you would like to come up with a new logo idea for this monthly event, the deadline for submissions is March 31, 2008. See the Wine Blogging Wednesday community site for details.


  1. Excellent entries. I think this is my favorite -

    Rouge Blanc : "The Patriots' Collapse in Super Bowl XLII"

  2. Mapsokardu, that was definitely a close runner up among a lot of creative entries!

  3. Mapsokardu:
    Thanks for your parise. Much appreciated. Personally, I don't think the theme is that easy to understand if someone has not watched SuperBowl XLII.

    Dr Debs:
    I actually like Dave McDuff's theme the most, so thoughtful:
    Beautifully Articulated Red Berries Evoke Romantic Associations
