Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wine Blogging Wednesday #43: Unwinding with Wine

Joel at Wine Life Today will be our host for Wine Blogging Wednesday #43, the online tasting event started by Lenn Thompson of Lenndevours. This one is coming up quickly--in just under 2 weeks on March 5--so I wanted to get the word out ASAP.

Joel's theme is comfort wine. He wants us to drink a wine--any wine at all--that we enjoy just because it helps us to relax and unwind. Which wine do you drink under these circumstances? A particular maker? A particular variety? Pick your comfort wine, drink it, and write it up for March 5. Full details are available on the Wine Life Today blog.

See you back here on March 5!

1 comment:

  1. As a friend 'o' de grape you may dig moi's lill' YouTube version of an ooooooooooold drinkin' song, you'll know the tune.

    Stay on groovin' safari,
