Thursday, March 20, 2008

Want the Jump on Future Wine Blogging Wednesdays?

Are you tired of running out to the store at the last minute for WBW selections? Do you sometimes wish you were drinking the same wine as someone else on WBW, so you could compare your notes to theirs? Have you always wanted to participate, but never been organized enough to do so?

Domaine547 comes to the rescue once again with their April-May-June WBW 3-pack of wines, which will get you sorted out in no time so that you can kick back and relax, secure in the knowledge that you have what you need to participate in the fun. At least until July.

For just under $45 (ok, $44.97) plus shipping you can get yourself set up with a French Cabernet Franc for April, a German Riesling for May, and a white blend from the Rhone. Pretty damn fantastic, especially if (like me) you never seem to have exactly what's called for when WBW is announced. (d547 budo-kan seeing vision of the WBW 3-pack)

Check out domaine547's site for details on vintage, makers, etc. Oh, and the shipping policies.

Cost of next three WBW bottles shipped to you from domaine547? under $45.
No last minute frantic searches in a wine store near you? priceless.


  1. must give credit where credit is due...the idea for this actually grew out of a twitter conversation in which Joel Vincent and Dr. Debs both suggested variations of this. I just jumped on the bandwagon and set the item up in our inventory!

    Reactionary marketing perhaps -- but definitely another great idea from great bloggers like Dr. Debs and Joel.

  2. Oh, I wouldn't worry. People borrow my ideas all the time. "Pay it Forward" I think it was called at the time


    great idea and not only that, great example of delivering customer value

  3. Rob, you beat me to it. This was most definitely your idea, which Joel and I jumped on with great enthusiasm. Hands up if you're a procrastinator! If so, this pack is for you (huge sigh of relief).

  4. d'oh! Did I not see Robert had mentioned this first? Can't keep up with the tweets...thanks Robert!

  5. And I thought it was my mad dash to order the Samur-Champigny that reminded everyone you were the "Go-To Gal"! ;^}> "Shop Locally" also means in your community; Our community just happens to be spread all over the place! BTW thanks for your commitment to keeping the world Green for Budo-Kun. Recycled packing materials and carbon-offsets go a very long way in my book. Cheers!
