Monday, March 03, 2008

WBC #1 Roundup Posted, WBC #2 Theme Posted

There's news from the Wine Book Club, the internet's online discussion of wine books led by wine bloggers and their readers.

First, our fearless leader for WBC #1, David McDuff of McDuff's Food and Wine Trail, posted a superb roundup of all 24 of the online reviews of Vino Italiano! If you are interested in Italian wine, and thinking of buying a book on the subject, you will want to know what these bloggers and readers think of the book.

Second, Tim Elliott of Winecast will be our host for WBC #2. He's picked a book that's shorter (that's good) and has a central story (also good), and hopefully will be easier for you road warriors, busy parents, and otherwise overextended folks (ok, that's everybody) to get through between now and the last Tuesday in April, when we reconvene online for our discussion. Head over to Winecast to see the title, and to climb aboard this new event in the wine blogosphere.

In the next few weeks, look for a Spin the Bottle review from our favorite wine hiking wine blogger, Russ the Winehiker, who will let us know what he thinks of a pictorial survey of American viticulture, Wine Across America.

Thanks to all of the 24 wine bloggers who participated in the first event, and a huge thanks to David for getting us off to such a great start. Additional thanks to Tim of Winecast for setting up the Wine Book Club blog, where we will post the new themes and links to the roundups as they are announced, along with handy links to purchase the books online.

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