Thursday, May 15, 2008

Title Announced for Wine Book Club #3

To cork, or not to cork?

That is the question that host Lenn Thompson of Lenndevours hopes that the 3rd edition of the Wine Book Club will answer.

Lenn picked George Taber's relatively new book, To Cork or Not to Cork: Tradition, Romance, Science, and the Battle for the Wine Bottle for the June meeting. (available from for $17.16 plus shipping) Taber is well-known among wine fanatics for his book on the famous 1976 France vs. Napa tasting known as the Judgment of Paris. Taber is a talented story-teller, so I am looking forward to seeing what he does with the far less dramatic issue of wine closures.

Lenn gives the full details about the online meeting on his blog, but in brief you have until June 24 to read the book, and then post your reaction to it on Facebook (where we have 103 members who have joined the club), Shelfari, the Wine Book Club site, or even on your very own blog. I'm sure that Lenn wouldn't mind if you put some remarks in the comments section of his post, either.

Just when you're starting to forget that there is a meeting of the Wine Book Club, you can depend on Richard the Passionate Foodie to remind you about it. He's our "Spin the Bottle" reviewer for the end of May/beginning of June. Keep your eyes peeled for his review of a wine book that touches on a subject near and dear to his heart. Hopefully his efforts will inspire you to discover where you left your copy of To Cork or Not to Cork (is it in the car? behind the sofa? by the pool?). Thanks to Lenn and Richard, and I hope that if you have a blog of your own you will help to publicize the event.

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