Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Catching Up On Some News

Things have been pretty hectic around GWU$20 for the past few weeks, and I want to thank everybody for their patience as I finished up with classes, jetted off to Spain, and then drove to Sonoma for the summer. Sounds pretty glamorous, I know, but it felt more like mobilizing the 5th Fleet! Anyway, I've come to roost for two and a half months on the Sonoma Coast, ready to bring you news from Pinot Days in a few weeks, Taste 3 in Napa in mid-July, some winery visits, and all the regular wine coverage that you're used to--not to mention full reports and nearly 300 pictures from Spain. I'll get them up on Flicker in the next few days and post a link. (Vintage image of the Horicon Reporter)

Meanwhile, it's time to catch you up on some news. First off, if you subscribe to or purchase Wine & Spirits magazine be sure to turn to the back page of the June 2008 issue where you will find a cartoonized me, with dogs, and a tale of my experiences searching for bargains in LA. It was fun to write a piece for an editor like Josh Greene, and to be part of their annual issue devoted to great values in the world of wine. GWU$20 readers will see a lot of familiar names in their annual "critic picks" so be sure to pick up a copy on a news stand when you're out and about if you don't have it already.

Second, I was interviewed for pieces in both the Washington Post Express and MainStreet.com about good bargain choices for wine. I think the budgetary pinch is making a lot more people interested in finding good deals. You can check out the WPExpress article on Finding Good Wine at Great Prices and MainStreet.com's piece on The Top Ten Wines Sold in Grocery Stores online.

I've got some WBW and Wine Book Club updates, too, but will save those for a subsequent post. Meanwhile, happy reading online and offline, and see you back here a bit later for some wine blogging news and then tomorrow for a review of a classic French summer white wine.


  1. I tried to find Wine & Spirits today at Borders, but it wasn't on the stand. Any insight as to where I might be able to pick up a copy? I loved your story!

  2. Congrats on the well-deserved media coverage - I look forward to the upcoming WBW (you know I love the French stuff...)

  3. Many congrats on all the attention. I wish I was home to pick up the Express, I usually get it everyday on my way to work!

  4. I thought the cool thing about this issue was the regular wine reviews: Movia Lunar, Movia Puro, Gravners, and more from NE Italy.
