Friday, June 27, 2008

Vendredi du Vin #15: champagne (mais pas de Champagne)

Bonjour et bienvenue. Aujourd'hui, je suis en train d'écrire très mauvais français pour participer à Vendredis du Vin #15, la réponse française à Wine Blogging Wednesday.

Le thème du mois est Nul n’est champagne en son pays, et il nous a été demandé à déguster un vin mousseux hors de France. Pour moi, le choix est évident: Je voudrais boire un vin de Californie, en particulier de la proximité Anderson Valley.

J'ai bu une bouteille de NV Roederer Estate Brut, un vin que les Américains buveur décrivent souvent comme le plus «français» d'origine nationale vin mousseux. Le vin est pâle avec beaucoup de mousse et de petites bulles. Arômes de brioche et de citron. Saveurs de pommes, pain grillé, et de noix. Il s'agit en général un excellent vin pour le prix, le vin coûte environ 20 $.

Merci à Remy pour l'organisation de l'événement, de Nicolas Ritoux pour accueillir ce thème du mois, et à toutes les personnes parlant français partout dans le monde pour leur patience avec mes pauvres tentatives de communiquer en français.

To all English-speaking GWU$20 readers: I made a feeble effort to participate today in Vendredis du Vin, the Francophone virtual tasting event organized by Remy Charest of the blog The Wine Case. The theme for the month was to drink a sparkling wine that wasn't from Champagne.

For my submission I drank a sparkler that is often described as the most "French" domestic NV sparkler: the NV Roederer Estate Brut. As always, this was an excellent wine for the price, and can be found in most markets for around $20. It was pale straw in color, with abundant frothy mousse and a fine bead or bubble. There were aromas of rich brioche and lemon, and flavors of apples, toast, and nuts. Excellent QPR.

Vendredis du Vin is a great event, and if you have even a smattering of bad French like me, you should give it a try and check out their website. You can get there by clicking on the logo at the top of the page.

See you soon--and I'll be writing in English again, I promise.


  1. Thanks for posting this. My French has been rusty and I tried to get throughthis and I did pretty good!

  2. Good thing you wrote some in english...:), i wouldn't have know what you thought! I've always like this bubbly as well, glad to hear it's still seen as a value.

  3. Felicitations de votre effort! J'ai pris plaisir a lisant vos mots. Votre facilite de la langue est encore meilleure que la mienne. Il faut que j'etude ... avec un verre de vin, certainement.

  4. Oh crap. Am I going to have to move you to the "Foreign Language Wine Blogs" section of my Blogroll at "2 Days per Bottle"?

    Nice post, as always.

  5. Héhé! Thank you for your nice gesture! You French is fine, don't worry.

    I'll add your tasting to my VdV summary early this week.

    Thanks again!


  6. Kudos indeed on yr efforts, Dr.Debs!

  7. Welcome to the VdV and don't worry about your French - it's better than my English and as I do regularly participate in this French version of the WBW, French readers are used to struggle with my faults in French (I'm German), so I think they won't bother, if there are some new variants of slight distortion:-).

    So once again (with bubbles): tchin, bienvenu et à votre santé!

  8. Thanks to everyone for the good will! It was a fun event--I'll definitely git it a go again.
