Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Budget Friendly White Burgundy

Burgundy and "budget friendly" don't usually appear in the same sentence.

So imagine my surprise and delight when the white Burgundy I bought for a little over $15 turned out to be an excellent QPR find. I bought my bottle from Chronicle Wine Cellar for $15.95. Expect to see it in your neck of the woods for between $13 and $30. And I have to say, even if you pay around $30, you probably won't feel you've been ripped off--which is a testament to the QPR on this wine if you pay under $20.

The 2005 Vincent Girardin Cuvée Saint-Vincent Chardonnay came from a great vintage in Burgundy, and is made by a great maker. I've had a number of Girardin wines, most from his second label and all red. But this was one of those wines that actually makes you understand how great Chardonnay can be when people just leave it alone and let it be itself. There were crisp aromas of apple, stone, and sea salt that were very fresh and enticing. The apple notes carried through the flavors, and the aftertaste turned butterscotchy and rich. But the wine was never heavy, oaky, or clumsy. It was nicely balanced, and very well made.

With the exception of steak, I honestly can't think of any food that this would be terrible with, and its so flexible that almost anything you're serving would be fine. We had it with a Chicken BLT salad. I added some avocado (just as I do on the sandwich) and the creaminess of the avocado in the salad was fantastic with the creaminess of the wine. Ditto the fresh apple and sea salt notes of the wine with the bacon (applewood smoked bacon, anyone?)

This is one elegant, classy wine that is still fun and not too profound. If you liked Katherine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story, I think you'll like this wine. Give it a try even if you normally sniff at Chardonnay. You won't be sorry.

1 comment:

  1. This wine sounds interesting but I have to take mild exception to your thought that the wine might not go with steak. Thanks to having a good friend for whom red wines are migraine trigger, I've informally "researched" paring some whites with steak. Based on your description of the wine, I think this one might work. I'll pass it along to her.
