Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Food and Wine's Annual Wine Issue

Every year, Food and Wine Magazine has an issue devoted to wine (and the food that goes with it). I look forward to the issue hitting my mailbox, and the October wine issue just arrived. For those of you without subscriptions, I highly recommend picking it up at the grocery store or your news-stand. It's chock-full of great articles, food pairing suggestions, and wine tips.

I loved the article on the "Best Paris Wine Bars" and Polly Evans' story of her lunch with Paolo Marzotto, who brought Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio to these shores and is now promoting Sicilian wine. Ray Isle rounds up 50+ Values from Legendary Wine Regions, which is sure to make GWU$20 readers happy with its picks for value wines from Bordeaux, Napa Valley, and other popular viticultural areas. This month's magazine is packed full of little jewels--about counterfeit wines, investment wines, and more--and of course has lots of great recipes and thoughtful pairings.

Check this issue out if you are a wine lover, and definitely buy it if your interests run to wine and food. I think that Ray Isle, Lettie Teague, and the other folks who cover wine for the magazine are some of the best in the business.


  1. This is a good issue. My pal Gary Vaynerchuk was featured as well!

  2. That's a fantastic 89 point wine on the cover, the Holus Bolus Syrah (the bottle with the Octopus on it).
