Friday, September 26, 2008

Today on Serious Grape: Bullish on Beaujolais

It's not just me.

Everybody from Eric Asimov to Brooklynguy to Dr. Vino is bullish on Beaujolais. (photo by jetalone)

Is it fall?

Is it the falling stock market?

Is it fiscal responsibility?

Who knows.

But I'm drinking Beaujolais these days. Click over to my Serious Grape column on Serious Eats to see which wine I opened up earlier this week.

When your stock portfolio and retirement accounts are in dire straits, having great value go-to wines is all the more important. If you've got other grapes and regions that make you feel bullish, let us know in the comments below.


  1. I love the cru Beaujolais, and desperately want to try at least one of each cru--I'm still hunting for Chiroubles and Côte-de-Brouilly.

    I like the fact that it pairs with a wide range of foods, and while the Beaujolais Nouveau is popular for the Thanksgiving table, I find that it's fun to bring along a cru to let some people show the difference that $10 and standard winemaking makes between the two.

  2. I love the value in Portuguese wines!
