Friday, March 27, 2009

Today on Serious Grape: What Wine Goes with Fish?

How many have you have heard the old phrase "white wine goes with fish"? How many of you still pay attention to it? (photo by jlastras)

This week on Serious Grape, my weekly column on Serious Eats, I tackle the issue of what wine goes with fish. My particular object of inquiry is salmon. I can't get enough salmon in the spring, and I'm guessing it's showing up on your table, too.

Click on over
to find a great salmon recipe from fellow-blogger Rick Bakas of the Back to Bakas blog, and a side-by-side tasting comparison of how the dish fared with two wines--one red, one white.

What do you have with salmon? And after reading the article, are you inclined to give something new a try?


  1. Pinot Noir if it's roasted

    Chenin Blanc if it's poached

    If it's grilled or lightly smoked Pinot Bianco from Northern Italy of maybe Dole or passtougrains.

    And with that delicious little piee of raw fish in your photo, Rose Champagne!

    Gregory Dal Piaz

    Community Manager

  2. depending on the preparation, an unoaked or lightly oaked chardonnay (nothing ponderous, please!), pinot gris or pinot noir.
