Friday, May 22, 2009

Today on Serious Grape: Wines for the Holiday Weekend and Beyond

This week on Serious Grape, my Friday column on Serious Eats, I've got my wine picks for this weekend's picnics, cookouts, and barbecues. And these suggestions should get you through the rest of the summer, too.

I've organized my suggestions around a handy, easy-to-remember acronym (ZEST) and made sure to select wines that taste great and have suggested retail prices of under $20. (snazzy graffic courtesy of my friends at Serious Eats)

Have a happy and healthy Memorial Day and see you next week.

1 comment:

  1. Z.E.S.T. is an awesome mnemonic device to keep in mind as we head into BBQ season. I attended my first cookout of the year yesterday, on Memorial Day, natch. While the food was amazing (I'm still full), there wasn't a wine bottle in sight. Instead my choices were standard BBQ beverage staples: ice-cold beer (Corona, Bass & Coors Light), Kool-aid for the kids, more beer for the extra-thirsty, and soda (Coke, etc.).

    I'd love to see wine served at my next cookout. And to ensure it will I'm going to remember Z.E.S.T. when shopping beforehand.

    If I may, I'd also recommend that cookout fans try an Austrian Gruner Veltliner with their grilled meats, veggies, and salads. It's refreshing and extremely easy to pair with a variety of foods.

    Great article, Deb.
