Saturday, September 05, 2009

This Week on Serious Eats: Doggone Good Wine Pairing

If you're planning on having a hot dog this Labor Day weekend, what wine are you planning to have with it? (photo by TheBusyBrain)

This week on Serious Grape, my weeky column on Serious Eats, I suggest a few wines for your consideration. The thing about hot dogs is that they are both sweet and salty--and then a variety of sweet and savory condiments get piled on top.

Head over and check out my hot dog wines and if you have any other suggestions, leave them here or there in the comments section.

Have a good Labor Day!


  1. Much better if we paired it with a softdrink... heheh..

  2. Wine over 20 $ can you find by

    best regards Helmut

  3. Rosés, Roussanne and Pinot Noir paired with various BBQd and deep-fried foods last night.
