Monday, March 29, 2010

A Great Gewurz for Spring

Now that it's spring, my mind has turned to cleaning, lightening up, and enjoying the outdoors. In the wine department, that means my mind has turned to Gewürztraminer, a grape that always reminds me of this time of year.

Finding a good, affordable of the grape can be challenging. Some are too sweet, and some have an almost plastic quality with the aroma of cheap perfume. So if you have had Gewürztraminer in the past and not enjoyed it, make it your mission this spring to find one that suits your palate and your pocketbook.

One that I like is the 2009 Dancing Coyote Gewürztraminer (suggested retail, $10.99). It's a very good QPR domestic example with springlike aromas of apple, litchi, and honeysuckle. All of these notes can be found in the flavors, along with a nice acidity that adds to the juiciness of the wine and balances out the natural sweet impression that the grape gives.

This wine will be terrific with grilled sausages, salads, and spicy Asian cuisine.

Full Disclosure: I received this wine as a sample.


  1. Cheap 10 euros Spanih wine tasted in Finland:

  2. Another great Guvertz for under $15. Crisp & Bright.

  3. Someone on Twitter was just talking about enjoying a nice honeysuckle like wine.

    I loooovvvve a good gewurztraminer and will defintely give this brand a try.

    - Jennifer

  4. Hmmm, perhaps you are right Jen.

  5. i think i'm dancing like coyote
