Saturday, July 24, 2010

Some New Buttons and Gizmos

A mini site update--

Those of you who come to the website, as opposed to those who get this through a feed reader, will have noticed the site has a new look. It was time for a dusting off and a change, and I hope you like it.

As part of the update, I've installed some new "reactions" and "share" buttons at the bottom of each post. They provide an opportunity for you to agree or disagree with my take on a wine (if you've tasted it, too) and to indicate that the review sparked your interest in a wine ("wish list"). There are also handy buttons to share a post with your friends on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites.

Thanks for your continued readership. GWU$20 has more than 8000 daily subscribers and nearly 500,000 people have stopped by since the site went live in October 2006.

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