Sunday, August 19, 2007

WBW #36: Naked Chardonnay Roundup

Lenn Thompson of LENNDEVOURS has just posted the roundup of naked, unoaked chardonnays from the August Wine Blogging Wednesday. Despite celebrating the 3rd anniversary of his own blogging event with a back injury, he still managed to pull together an impressive list of posts from around the blogosphere.

Thirty-two bloggers participated in the event (drats, I'd hoped for a symbolic 36) and many tasted more than one wine, so there's lots of good information hot-linked for you if you are a chardonnay lover. Folks tasted wines from New Zealand, Australia, the US, Spain, and France. I was particularly interested in the wide range of French wines reviewed. And there were some great wines from New York and Virginia, just going to show that US chardonnay isn't just from California!

See you back here on September 12 when we go native with Dr. Vino for Wine Blogging Wednesday #37. Meanwhile, thanks to Lenn for his inspired leadership and for going the extra mile to get this roundup posted.

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