Saturday, August 18, 2007

Wine Blogging Wednesday #37: Go Native

Wine Blogging Wednesday enters its fourth year by going native.

Dr. Vino set the theme for the September online tasting, and he wants us to pick a region and drink a wine made from a grape indigenous to that region. And don't think this means you can't drink a US wine--the US is the native land of quite a few varietals. He's posted some resources to help you discover what grapes are native to your area--or an area of wine that you know well, or want to get to know better--so click over there to check them out if you don't have something in mind already.

Sometime between now and September 12, pick your region, find your native varietal, and drink a native wine from that region. Then blog all about it on Wednesday, September 12 and . If you don't have a blog, no worries. Just head over to the Wine Blogging Wednesday site and enter your tasting note there in the forum.

Lenn Thompson, the host of WBW #36, injured his back and hasn't been able to sit down at the computer long enough to gather together the round-up of posts for the August tasting. When he does, I'll be sure to let you know.

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