He wants us all to get naked. With chardonnay.
By August 8th, drink an unoaked, unwooded, naked, or steel-fermented chardonnay at any price point, from any region, and post your review or send it in to Lenn for inclusion in the wrap-up. I like this style of wine, and have enjoyed a 2005 Four Vines Naked Chardonnay that was just spectacular, so have fun searching out a bottling. It may require some bottle turning to make sure that the wine in question has seen no oak, so take some care in the store.
But there's more. Lenn also announced the new Wine Blogging Wednesday official site, and that the leadership team for WBW has grown to include Tim Elliott of Winecast, Andrew Barrow of Spittoon, and Tyler Coleman of Dr. Vino. And, there will be a new logo contest announced shortly. So it looks like WBW is off to an impressive 4th year start.
spooikly I've been enjoying a run of oaked Chardonnays over the last week so something unoaked will be a pleasure!
I'm looking forward to it, too. Have had a few "naked" bottles and loved every one! Congrats on your new advisory/supervisory role at WBW.
hey, just found a good one that I think we'll stock: 9.99 for razor's edge S. Australia unwooded chard. very good, hard to beat for the price!
Good tip! Do they make shiraz, too? I think I had a shiraz from them a few years back--before the miracle of Cellar Tracker, so I can't check.
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