I've generated a search string that will update automatically to keep track of what users are opening, drinking, and writing notes about between 12/24 and 12/26. It's sorted by grape variety, but you can tinker with the structure of the list by playing with the options at the top of the page.
It's another fun snapshot of what's popular and what's not this holiday season. So far Cabernet Sauvignon is leading the charge, with Pinot Noir, blends from Bordeaux, Syrah, and Chardonnay rounding out the top 5.
What will you be drinking?
Hi Dr Debs
Thanks for the fun tool.
Merry Christmas.
Neato. Love your blog and I just got all my wines into cellartracker this week. I opened a 2006 Château de Callac white Bordeaux for xmas. Buttery lemons is what I found with this one mingling with bananas and pineapples. Truly unique and LONG LONG finish.
Glad you two liked it. Greg, I think you'll really like CellarTracker--but you probably do already, even if you've only been on it a week!
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