I hope that even if you have never participated in Wine Blogging Wednesday before you will join me in drinking a white wine made with one or more Rhone grape varieties in June. Then, on or before Wednesday, June 11 write about your tasting experience(s) and post them on your blog, on the Wine Blogging Wednesday community site, or in the comments here at Good Wine Under $20. Don't have a blog or are feeling shy? Email me your notes, and I'll include them in the roundup.
Just so that I don't leave anyone out, please drop me a line at goodwineunder20 (at) gmail.com with a link to your post after you make it, send me a message on Twitter with the link, or just plunk it in the comments here or on my June 11 post.
If you're not familiar with white wines made with grapes from the Rhone region, here are a few online resources to help you out:
The Rhone Rangers' list of white varieties, with descriptions of the flavors and aromas you can expect from each.
The Rhone Valley Wine website has descriptions of the French growing region and excellent maps.
Patrick Comiskey's excellent article from the August 2007 Bon Appetit magazine about why Rhone whites are the perfect wines for summer.
Enjoy exploring the expanding world of Rhone whites, and I look forward to reading all your tasting notes and food pairing ideas in June.
And if you're in the Los Angeles area, check your calendar to see if you can attend the Rhone Rangers tasting on June 4, 2008 from 6:30-8:30 pm. Forty-three wineries specializing in Rhone varieties will be there pouring wine at Raleigh Studios--so you may get to see a celeb or two. The cost is $60/person, and more details can be found here. You'll have a lot of tasting notes to share for WBW #46, that's for sure.
Dr. Debs,
What a lovely theme: a moment of relief from the hot days that have been wearing me out.
I'll be there, God willing and if the creek don't rise. If our weather continues as cold as it has been, however, I may have to pair the white with a toasty Rhone red.
I have not tried many Rhone whites, so this will be a fun way to explore!
Oh, this is gonna be a interesting one! Looking forward to it (what to order, what to order...)
Thanks, everybody. I'm looking forward to reading everybody's notes--not to mention drinking some Rhone whites myself!
Garretson Roussane "The Limoi Cior" 2004 - http://2daysperbottle.blogspot.com/2008/06/garrestson-roussanne-limoi-cior-2004.html
I will add the second night tomorrow, in time for WBW.
good theme! I had just picked up a $10 roussanne/marsanne blend when I saw this WBW so it was good motivation to get back into doing WBW. Here's the link to my post:
Dr Debs,
Thanks for hosting.
Here is my post:
I think you already found my post, but here's the link! After trying seven Rhones last night, my head hurts just a bit this morning...Photos to come...
Hey Dr. Debs,
Many thanks for hosting and thanks for chosing a theme that I don't have to "cheat!" Of course, my wine of choice is from...
You can locate it here:
Hola Dr. Deb,
This is the first time for us in WBW, exited to learn more about Rhone and their whites, here's our post;
This one was fun! http://drinksareonme.net/?p=306
Dr. D---
Thoroughly entertaining endeavor. Tasty wine as well, albeit a bit of an oddball. Hope you enjoy our write-up and photographs.
Jesse Porter
The Young Winos of LA
Hi, again! Our electricity is back on and my post is up http://loveswine.blogspot.com/
Cheers! Diane
Definitely great in dispelling the summer heat.
For more info about wines, check out http://vino.com
Here's the link to my post. Sorry for the delay:
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