First of all, there has been a slight change of venue for the 4th edition of the Wine Book Club on August 26. Farley, our favorite Wine Poet, has moved the event from her once-upon-a-time blog Behind the Vines to her once-and-future blog Wine Outlook. Same book (Jancis Robinson's Tasting Pleasure), same due date for book reports (August 26), but send your link love and your thoughts about the book to her at Wine Outlook. Farley's had a difficult few weeks in Wine Blog Land, and I for one am glad that she refused to let the management of her former blog network turn off her voice. We need all the Wine Poets we can get! I've been reading and enjoying Tasting Pleasure myself over the last few days, and if you've never read Jancis Robinson's memoir you are in a treat. Why not join us on the 26th?
If you're in the Napa area next weekend and you like Spanish grape varieties, think of stopping into the TAPAS tasting at Copia. TAPAS stands for "Tempranillo Advocates, Producers and Amigos"and they are sponsoring this event on August 9, 2008. From 1pm - 2 pm there will be a guided wine and cheese tasting ($20), and from 2 pm - 3:30 pm there will be a walk-around tasting ($25). Dozens of wineries will be at the walk-around tasting, including our beloved Twisted Oak. Tickets and more information can be found on the Copia website.
I've joined up with a new blog project led by DHonig of the 2 Days Per Bottle Blog. Called The 89 Project, it's his ingenious attempt to put the spotlight on those wines that get 89 ratings and are thus 1 point away from wine super-stardom and shelftalkers. A growing list of wine bloggers (18 and counting) has agreed to cross-post reviews of 89 pointers over on the 89 Project as well as our own sites, and it promises to be an entertaining and educational experience to see what we all have to say about wines that almost--but not quite--made it into the Promised Land. These wines are often great bargains, and I'm excited to be part of the team.
Have a great weekend.! I will have a post at Serious Grape at some point this weekend where I taste test one of Dan Berger's "wines that will never reach 90 points." Guess what? It was fantastic.
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