It's also a perfect occasion to end the dream that was the Wine Book Club. It hasn't turned out quite as I hoped and though Kori from Wine Peeps and Frank from Drink What You Like have been stalwart supporters of this effort, we feel like there's not much interest among other wine bloggers--and you know what it's like to go to a book club meeting when you're one of three people in the room. It's OK, but part of what should make this fun is comparing what you think with many other people.
That said, I'm sure the three of us will keep reading wine books and reviewing them on our individual sites, but they won't be on a regular schedule and we won't be reading the same titles.
If you want to help sing the WBC's swan song, please join us in this journey through Tuscan wine making and living the wine life. As usual, please send any links to posts to the email in the left sidebar or leave the link in the comments section of this post by 5 pm on Wednesday, August 26. I'll post the final roundup on Thursday, August 27.
I think I'm losing my mind. I swear I wrote about this book last year, but I can't for the life of me find the post. I certainly red it, I can see my copy from where I'm sitting!
Here's my entry: http://wannabewino.com/2009/08/26/the-last-wine-book-club/
Thanks Dr. Debs!
I just found out about the Wine Book Club and it's going away. A shame, but I happen to have just read this book, so here's my post: http://www.vinegeek.com/2009/08/book-review-a-vineyard-in-tuscany/
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